Legal Notes and General Conditions of the Residence Contract

1. Scope and subject matter of the contract of residence.

1.1 These General Conditions of the Contract of Residence govern the relationship between Le Dimore di Paola di Vito Paparella (hereinafter referred to as Le Dimore di Paola) and the Customer in order to provide accommodation services chosen by the Customer in the Staying Proposal made among those offered, available on the website

1.2 The request for the provision of the Services may be made by the Customer by submitting the Booking Proposal to Le Dimore di Paola by sending an email to the e-mail address; by telephone, in verbal form, by contacting the number (+39) 379/2314766; through the online booking procedure on the website or on the main Online Travel Agencies which Le Dimore di Paola is present on.

1.3 The contract is concluded when the Client formulates the Booking Proposal in accordance with point 1.2 and brings it to the knowledge of Le Dimore di Paola which have to accept and confirm. This confirmation is provided by Le Dimore di Paola at the time of receipt of the Proposal or at a moment immediately thereafter. The actual conclusion is always subject to the availability of the Service.

1.4 If the activation of the Services cannot take place due to impediments not attributable to Le Dimore di Paola, the contract will automatically terminate, without this entailing any legal, economic or any other type of liability of Le Dimore di Paola towards the customer.

2. Activation and provision of the Service.

2.1 Upon activation of the Service, Le Dimore di Paola guarantees the Customer the enjoyment of furnished units (hereinafter “Units”), in number and type defined in the Proposal.

2.2 Le Dimore di Paola will provide the Customer with any other ancillary equipment for the complete use of the chosen Services (keys, cards, etc.).

2.3 The Customer shall use the Units, common areas and equipment with the standard of good housekeeping and in any case in order not to disturb the normal performance of the Service and third parties housed in the facilities of Le Dimore di Paola. The Customer shall be liable for any direct damages resulting from the breach of this obligation, holding Le Dimore di Paola harmless from any consequence, cost or burden.

2.4 The Customer will hold Le Dimore di Paola harmless and will indemnify it from any prejudice, damage, liability, expenses, including legal, suffered or incurred, as a result of any action, reason, claim, brought by third parties against the Customer which find cause or reason in behaviors and/or omissions in any case attributable to the Customer or are in any case a consequence of non-compliance and/or violation of the precepts provided by these General Conditions of Contract.

3. Booking and Payment.

3.1 In the case of Booking for future period Le Dimore di Paola requires the Customer to pay the total amount due at the time of booking, or within two days from the date of the Booking confirmation if the Customer chooses which payment method “Bank transfer”. Therefore, only at the time of payment the Booking Proposal will be fully perfected.

3.2 In specific cases and/or particular types of stays and/or proposals for stays, the Customer may agree with Le Dimore di Paola different payment deadlines than those indicated in point 3.1 that must be accepted and/or confirmed by both parties in the form writing (e. g., email, etc.).

3.3 Failure to pay, even partial, the amount due in the above terms, will result in the cancellation of the reservation, without any communication by Le Dimore di Paola.

3.4 Method of payment:
– Credit cards/Debit cards;
– Paypal;
– Bank transfer.

3.5 At check-in the Customers are required to pay the city tax of € 1.00 per person/night, or in any case the amount provided by the City of Melendugno at the time of stay, if not already calculated in the total amount paid by the Customer.

4. Contract duration, cancellations and penalties.

4.1 The Contract shall be valid and effective from the date of conclusion of the Contract and shall expire if both of the following conditions are met: – the Customer and the third parties connected to him/her, or dependent on him/her, have definitively left the Unit; – the Customer has paid the full amount due to Le Dimore di Paola.

4.2 Check-in must be after 04:00 pm. Any different times of arrival must be agreed in advance with Le Dimore di Paola. We do not accept claims or refund claims for waiting due to lack of notice by the Customer. Check-out time is by and no later than 10.00 am; if this does not happen an additional night fee will be charged.

4.3 The Customer may cancel the reservation in accordance with the following modalities and according to the chosen tariff type (Standard Rate or Non-Refundable Rate).

The Customer who has opted for the Standard Rate is entitled to cancel his reservation:

– not later than 30 days before the start of the stay, without any charge and with full refund of the amount already paid.
– no later than 20 days before the start of the stay, with a refund of 50% of the amount paid.
– no later than 10 days before the start of the stay, with a refund of 30% of the amount paid.
No refund is provided for the Customer who cancels the reservation after the 10th day before the beginning of the stay or in the event that the Customer leaves the Unit in advance whatever the cause.

For the Customer who has opted, accepted and confirmed the Non-Refundable Rate, no refund is provided, regardless of the time when he/she cancel his/her own reservation.

5. Protection of privacy.

5.1 The Customer is informed, pursuant to EU Regulation No. 2016/679, that the processing of the personal data provided to Le Dimore di Paola is necessary in order to enable Le Dimore di Paola, directly or also through third parties, to fulfil the obligations arising from this Contract or for the fulfilment of the obligations provided by law or regulations.

5.2 The data controller is Le Dimore di Paola in the person of its pro-tempore legal representative.

6. Identity Documents.

6.1 Upon arrival at the accommodation, the Customer is required to show valid identity documents of each guest (Passport, ID card, etc.) pursuant to art. 109 of the TULPS in order to allow registrations required by current legislation. . Failure to comply with this obligation constitutes a violation of the rules of the Criminal Code and authorizes Le Dimore di Paola or its representatives to request the immediate abandonment of the Unit without this entitling the Customer to any request for reimbursement for the failure stay and for any other expenditure related to this event not attributable to the responsibility of Le Dimore di Paola. The data of the Customers of Le Dimore di Paola are processed in accordance with current privacy legislation.

7. Responsibility of Le Dimore di Paola.

7.1 Le Dimore di Paola will be responsible for the breach of contract and the provision of the Service exclusively for the fact attributable to It.

7.2 If, on arrival, the Customer finds a different Service from the agreed Service but accepts it, he/she shall automatically be deemed to have lapsed from any claim for compensation and the new Service shall replace the one previously agreed upon by the parties.

8. Limits of liability.

8.1 Le Dimore di Paola will not be liable for delays, inconveniences, malfunctions and/or interruptions of the Service due to:
– unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure;
– tampering or intervention on the service or equipment carried out by the Customer or by third parties not authorized by Le Dimore di Paola;
– damage or inconvenience caused by the total or partial interruption of the supply of electricity or water by the Companies providing the service.
Le Dimore di Paola is not responsible for personal items left unattended. Please note: Le Dimore di Paola declines all responsibility for the loss, theft or damage of objects owned by the Customer left unattended in the Units.

9. Rules of the Structure:

9.1 The Customer must observe a behavior that at no time of the day and in no way harms the tranquility of others. In particular, sound and/or noise levels must be maintained from 11:00 pm to 08:00 am and from 02:00 pm to 04:00 pm. Children must always be accompanied by an adult person.

9.2 For reasons of public security, accommodation is not allowed to persons exceeding the number fixed in the reservation (and therefore not regularly registered). If Le Dimore di Paola (or its representative) should notice any persons staying in the Unit, but not declared at the time of booking or upon arrival, they reserve the right to report to the Public Security authorities all unauthorized persons found inside the Unit.

9.3 It is strictly forbidden to sublease or lend, in whole or in part, the Unit, under penalty of the immediate termination of the contract.

9.4 It is strictly forbidden to introduce weapons, drugs and other things that can harm themselves and third parties, and/or however contrary to the laws in force, under penalty of the immediate termination of the contract.

9.5 It is strictly prohibited to use free-flame and/or gas-fired appliances within the Unit.

9.6 It is forbidden to bring animals of any kind or size into the Units.

10. Applicable law, contractual language and place of jurisdiction

10.1 The Contract of Residence relating to the real estate Units advertised on the website applies Italian law. The terms governing the conditions of stay are drawn up in several languages but, in the event of litigation, the Italian text is the only one that will be taken as authentic and the only language of the proceedings will be Italian.

10.2 Any dispute arising from the stay or in any way connected with it will be referred to the exclusive competence of the judicial authority of the Court of Bari, where Le Dimore di Paola has its registered office.

10.3 The Customer declares that by making the reservation he/she is aware of and accepts the General Conditions of Contract of Residence contained therein.

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